- Accountants (2)
- Agreements Not to Compete (2)
- Arbitration (2)
- Attorneys Fees (4)
- Choice of Law (1)
- Closely Held Business Law (4)
- Custodian | Receiver | Special Fiscal Agent (8)
- Deadlock (15)
- Derivative Action (3)
- Directors (5)
- Dissociation | Explusion (28)
- Dissolution (50)
- Distributions | Dividends (4)
- Equitable Accounting (2)
- Equitable Principles (4)
- Exit and Succession Planning (10)
- Fiduciary Duties (38)
- Independent Contractors (1)
- Injunctive Relief (2)
- Internal Affairs Doctrine (2)
- Law Firms (10)
- Lawyers (3)
- Members | Partners | Shareholders (50)
- Minority Oppression (31)
- MIscellaneous (19)
- Non-Competition (12)
- Non-Solicitation Agreements (2)
- Operating Agreement | Shareholder Agreement (38)
- Partnerships (5)
- Physicians (2)
- Professional Practices (12)
- Restrictive Covenants (2)
- Rights of Dissent (4)
- Statutes (7)
- Trade Secrets (8)
- Trusts and Estates (2)
- Valuation (35)