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Court Appoints Receiver to Protect Partnership Assets

Courts loathe the appointment of receivers. First, it is often the death knell to any viable business. The appointment of a receiver is commonly good cause to default on virtually any well-drawn contract, and it send anyone otherwise interested in doing business running for cover.

However, when the dysfunction of the partnership puts the assets of the partnership at risk, a Court can and should appoint a receiver, holds the Appellate Court of Illinois in Schultz v. Halpin, 2016 IL App (3d) 160210-U (Ill. App., 2016) . Partnership Assets Must Be Protected in Dispute Says Court

Agent with Authority to Bind Partnership
It is not unusual that a dispute between the owners of a closely held business also involves a dispute about the authority of one of the owners to act as agent for the entity.  We had a recent case, for example, in which a central issue was whether the manager of a limited liability company exercised his business discretion in a way that was in the best interests of the business.

Once that dispute was on the table, we had to look at whether the manager had express or implied authority to act — in this case to hire a third party — and whether that exercise of authority was within the scope of the generally delegated authority provided to the manager by the operating agreement, or required an affirmative vote of the owners.

Professor Douglas Moll, writing on the law professors blog, parses the issues nicely under the most recent iteration of the Uniform Partnership Act, which has been widely adopted by state legislatures.  For Professor Moll, the question of authority turns on the extent to which an ordinary business transaction is involved.

Court Appoints Receiver to Protect Partnership AssetsCourts loathe the appointment of receivers. First, it is often the death knell to any viable business. The appointment of a receiver is commonly good cause to default on virtually any well-drawn contract, and it send anyone otherwise interested in doing business running for cover.

However, when the dysfunction of the partnership puts the assets of the partnership at risk, a Court can and should appoint a receiver, holds the Appellate Court of Illinois in Schultz v. Halpin, 2016 IL App (3d) 160210-U (Ill. App., 2016).

Partnership Assets Must Be Protected in Dispute Says Court

Conflict and Negotiation Case Study: The Importance of Sincerity
One of the hardest things about being an effective negotiator is the ability to leave your ego at the door.  We need to listen, not impress.

Seasoned Negotiators, Effective Apologies

As negotiation trainer Jim Camp warns, an effective negotiator learns how to let the other side be “ok,” even when you’re not.  The fact is that no matter how well we listen, no matter how well we employ our negotiator’s tool kit to learn the real interests of the other side, we’re going to make mistakes.

Dissolution of Texas Oil Drilling Partnership
When is a partnership dissolution not a dissolution? When the partnership is not subjected to the formal dissolution procedures, even if it appears that the Court may have intended otherwise.

Express Finding of Dissolution of Partnership Required

That was the result of a split decision of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, coming some 14 years into the business divorce litigation between the partners to an oil well drilling venture, in Akuna Matata Investments Ltd. v. Texas No Limited Partnership. The Court affirmed a trial court decision terminating the partnership and awarding one of the partners a share of unpaid partnership profits.

New York | New Jersey Oppressed Shareholder Limited Liability Company atorneys
Reading through a recent court opinion out of the New York Supreme Court, I am struck by the way the law has diverged in corporate governance litigation.  There are two distinctly different approaches to the business divorce. Crossing the Hudson can make a world of difference in operating a closely held business.

Business Divorce State by State

Understanding the different approaches taken by the courts of different states is something that should be considered by business owners not just when they form the business, but as they work through the inevitable conflicts that are part of running a business.

locked door
Oh, the fine art of the lockout. For a business divorce litigator, a lockout or expulsion of a minority member is a relatively common occurrence. Managing the lockout, from either the majority or the minority’s perspective, is a key issue that will set the tone of the litigation.


The minority who is locked out of a business has a very clear disadvantage. In a closely held business, whether it is a limited liability company, a corporation or a partnership, most principals participate in the day-to-day management of the business. A lockout separates the minority from management.

  • The Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act adopted in New Jersey permits a court to expel a member of a limited liability company when it is not reasonably practicable for the company to continue with that individual as a member.

  • Expulsion, known as involuntary dissociation, based on the not reasonably practicable standard requires a showing that there is a structural impediment to the members continuing in business together, such as deadlock.

  • When the company is able to make decisions and pursue its business purpose, the not reasonably practicable standard does not exist, whatever the level of animosity among the members.

partnership dissolution of mining company

In a case turning on an unusual provision in West Virginia partnership law, the state Supreme Court sent a partnership dissolution action back to the trial judge to determine whether the plaintiffs were actually partners of the partnership that they were trying to dissolve.

The opinion in Sugar Rock, Inc. v. Washburn (Supreme Ct. Appeals June 3, 2016) turned on a specific, and unusual, provision in West Virginia law that requires that an interest in “mining partnerships” to be in writing. The existence of a statute of frauds, however, doesn’t mean that this is not a question that arises with some frequency.

Formation of General Partnership Under RUPA

Limited Liability Company AttorneysPetitioning members and managers of limited liability companies need to choose carefully between dissolution and dissociation of a member when they initiate litigation to expel a “bothersome” member. If the petitioning member includes grounds for both, they will not be able to choose the preferred remedy. Rather, the trial judge has discretion to choose between the two remedies without consideration of the preferences of any of the parties. The District Court of Appeals has held that the D.C. Code “substantially mirror[s]” language in the Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (RULLCA), which grants discretion to trial judges to decide between dissolution and dissociation when grounds for both causes of action are present.

‘Shall Be Disassociated’ Does Not Compel Remedy

The D.C. court’s decision in Reese v. Newman, 131 A.3d 880 (D.C., 2016) disagreed with the appellant’s interpretation that the statue’s language compelled trial judges to disassociate a member of an LLC when one of the enumerated grounds for expulsion has been established. C. Allison Defoe Reese, the appellant, argued that the language “a person shall be disassociated” was a command to the trial judge to disassociate the appropriate member and removed the judge’s discretion to choose between the remedies.

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