
Articles Posted in dissolution


Anatomy of a Business Divorce Lawsuit

A business divorce is the process by which the owners of a business separate their business interests.  The process involves negotiation and may also require litigation. These cases can be divided into four phases: the emergent phase, the examination phase, the valuation phase and the resolution phase. Most owner lawsuits…


Unanimous Consent of LLC Members Not Required to Continue Company

It may take a unanimous action of the members of a limited liability company to dissolve the entity or to change the date on which the company will dissolve according to the terms of its operating agreement. But unless the Operating Agreement specifically requires the members to act unanimous to…


Lockout of a Minority Member from the Closely Held Business

Oh, the fine art of the lockout. For a business divorce litigator, a lockout or expulsion of a minority member is a relatively common occurrence. Managing the lockout, from either the majority or the minority’s perspective, is a key issue that will set the tone of the litigation. WHY LOCKOUTS…


Book Value is Not Fair Value in Partnership Buyout

Socialite’s Family Partnership Interest Book value can have a few different meanings. The best definition is simply the value of assets and liabilities that a company carries on its books. Is it different than the “fair value” standard applied in statutory buyouts?  Yes– a lot different. There are many partnership…


LLC Does Not Distribute Clients on Dissolution

When a limited liability company dissolves, it pays its creditors and distributes the remaining assets in the winding-down process. Many professional practices are organized as LLCs, and their principal assets are the clients they serve.  That does not mean, however, that the professional limited liability company in dissolution has to divide up…


An Early Cost-Benefit Analysis in Business Breakups Will Keep Dispute in Perspective

When one or more of the owners of a business think it is time to get divorced, the decision in invariably accompanied by hard feelings.  As most clients ultimately learn, the courts are incapable of resolving emotional issues.  But they deal pretty well with money – which is why it…

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