
The Business Divorce Law Report


Share Purchase for $500,000 Required in Accounting Firm Breakup

Accounting firm is compelled to repurchase the equity of departing shareholder who moved practice to competitor firm. A shareholder agreement that is integrated and intended to be the parties’ complete agreement may preclude a claim for breach of corporate by-laws. A shareholder in an accounting firm organized as a professional…


United Health Care Rebuffed on Injunction Request

Although a former executive was bound by a restrictive covenant, the fact that his duties after joining a competitor were directed to a different market made the scope of the restrictions unreasonable. A restrictive covenant that is not narrowly tailored to protecting specific interests of the former employer at stake…


District Court Enjoins Former Executive from Competition

An executive with national responsibilities may be subjected to a broad geographic restriction in an employment restrictive covenant. Courts can and will enjoin a former executive from working for a competitor to prevent irreparable harm to the executive’s former employer when the restriction is reasonable. Misappropriation and use of a…


Restrictive Covenants May Be Enforceable Against Physician

Physicians are subject to reasonable restrictions on post-employment activities that will limit their competition with a previous employer. A restrictive covenant that prohibits competition must protect a legitimate interest, impose not undue hardship on the former employee and not injury the public interest. Restrictive covenants must be narrowly tailored so…


Estate Plan Sows Father and Son Business Divorce

Managers of a limited liability company owe to the company fiduciary duties of loyalty and care, must act in good faith, and refrain from reckless or unlawful conduct. A member who seeks information about a manager-managed limited liability company must state the purpose for the request under the Uniform Limited…


One Business Divorce, Multiple Actions

An agreement to arbitrate that is contained in the governance documents of a business, e.g, an operating agreement or shareholder agreement,  may result in multiple proceedings when the dispute ripens into litigation. A party may seek to stay a pending federal court action based on a collateral arbitration proceeding that…


A Non-Competition Agreement from the Great Beyond

A case in which a restrictive covenant was enforced against an accountant who happened to be beneficiary under her deceased former employer’s will is among recent business divorce cases worthy of note. Restrictive Covenant Given in Purchase Agreement Survives Death A covenant not to compete given in connection with the…


Surrender of Membership Certificates Was Dissociation from LLC

A limited liability company member withdraws by voluntary dissociation, which occurs when the company has notice of his ‘express will” to withdraw.  Voluntary dissociation terminates management rights, but not economic rights. A court may refuse relief on a claim when the plaintiff has acted with unclean hands with regard to…


Psychologists, Like Lawyers, Not Subject to Restrictive Covenants

Restrictive covenants preventing competition by former employers are enforceable only to the extent that they are reasonable under New Jersey law. Lawyers and psychologists are exceptions to the general rule, however, because both are subject to disciplinary rules that prohibit restrictions against competition. Courts have recognized that the personal relationship…


Controlling Shareholders owe Fiduciary Duties to Minority Members

The controlling shareholders of a corporation owe fiduciary duties to the minority shareholders by virtue of their ability to control the affairs of the company. Even when a merger complies with statutory requirements, where it benefits the controlling shareholders and does not have an apparent business purpose, it must also…

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